
Truckin Digital System

Dec 12, 2023 2:07 PM

v2.0.68 Backend

  • Cellular tracking fixes
  • Account/bill logic changes
  • Brokerage pay changes and fixes
  • Send carrier offer
  • Brokerage carrier shipment documents
  • Company handbook changes
  • Offer template fixes
  • Get carrier offer list
  • Change quantity column in shipment carrier pay table
  • Calculate accounts balances
  • Adding note into offers
  • Get carrier offer info
  • Rules and conduct API
  • Account details in bills
  • Shipment event fix
  • Added phone number
  • Email update fixes

v2.0.68 Frontend

  • Add dispatch tab in company settings
  • Modifications in dispatch settings
  • Layover issues fix
  • Minor fix on update bill
  • Carrier offer
  • Cellular tracking fixes
  • Add public page for shipment offers for carriers
  • Make whole section clickable in plan shipment modal
  • Create bill for carrier fixes
  • Carriers list filtering fix on offer carrier page
  • Updates on carrier offer page