
Truckin Digital System

Dec 27, 2023 4:20 AM

    v2.0.74 Backend

    • Update logged in user version status
    • Carrier account verification updates
    • Added brokerage onboarding alert
    • Carrier contact book and vehicle service command fix
    • Security log page fixes
    • Driver and staff absence cron and logic updates
    • Accounting - Recurring bill fixes
    • Absence policy updates
    • Save customer equipment restrictions fix
    • Carrier contact book link in templates
    • Confirmation email data fixes
    • Carrier restriction reason fix
    • Equipment shipment optimization
    • Drop trailer shipment endpoint optimization
    • Revert carrier offers updates
    • Recurring bill response update
    • Onboarding fixes
    • Default customer account to transaporation revenue
    • Carrier logo path update
    • Added shipment offer options
    • Driver app versioning fixes

    v2.0.74 Frontend

    • Security issues fixes
    • Equipment fixes
    • Auto pay allowance check improvements
    • Add incident recommendations
    • SMS communication settings page modifications
    • Recurring bills fixes
    • Shipment event fixes
    • Shipment profile tabs fix
    • Carrier default icon changes
    • Carrier contact book changes
    • Auto pay issue fixes
    • Handbook and create menu fixes
    • Company logo fix
    • Header create issues fixes
    • Add incident fixes
    • Scroll to error message in brokerage settings
    • Added new field for absence allowance settings and driver/staff details pages
    • Brokerage logo fix
    • Carrier contact book profile fix
    • Add onboarding footer
    • Absence allowance modifications fixes
    • Added carrier mismatch check
    • Public page for carrier contact book
    • Modifications on map page equipment popup
    • Stop point name fix
    • Redirection to offer and dispatch in planner shipment view
    • Planner List and Shipment Profile modifications
    • Remove carrier pay from carrier contactbook
    • Shipment dock status fixes
    • Shipment offer updates
    • Security page table width issue fix